Patient tracking systems are known for improving the patient experience… But did you know HealthWare’s patient tracking system, ActiveTRACK, can also improve the healthcare employee experience?
Access to actionable, real-time data enables supervisors to proactively manage resources and staff based on actual patient flow. Workloads can be better balanced so that one group or individual is not needlessly or disproportionately overwhelmed, which can greatly reduce workplace stress.
ActiveTRACK monitors productivity, creating the opportunity to reward or recognize high achievers. It also allows managers to identify low performers and ensure that every employee pulls his/her weight.
It’s very frustrating for a team when one member brings the rest down. Without a tool like ActiveTRACK it’s hard for managers to hold everyone to the same productivity standard. With ActiveTRACK, managers can put low performers on a work improvement plan and improve team engagement.
Management can also immediately and accurately pinpoint where any bottlenecks in patient throughput occur thanks to ActiveTRACK’s real-time data.
An acute care facility in the Chicago Suburbs used ActiveTRACK for this purpose and discovered that patient delays had been incorrectly attributed to its Registration Department. Data from ActiveTRACK revealed that patients were being held up in other areas.
When healthcare employees are mistakenly blamed for workflow issues, they will feel irritated at best and unjustly treated at worst. A patient tracking system can bring your healthcare employees the relief and security of knowing their good work will be properly credited to them and won’t go unnoticed.
In addition to real-time data, ActiveTRACK also delivers real-time communication among departments. And patient status is visible to all departments across the enterprise. This eliminates calls between clinical areas, to greatly improve the healthcare employee experience.
Annette Franz (customer experience thought leader and founder/CEO of CX Journey Inc.) says when she interviews employees, “some of the biggest pain points of their experiences are most often about their inability to do a good job”:
“At the heart of it all, employees want to do their jobs and do them well. Unfortunately, they can’t if they aren’t provided with the tools, processes, and resources needed to do that.”
ActiveTRACK is the tool healthcare employees need to do their jobs well. And when healthcare employees are happy and engaged, so are patients!